Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Republican Shell Game

[We really try to stay moderate and neutral here, but in the current political and economic situation,
we just can't figure out how to do that. Thus today's post:]

“Nobody ever went broke underestimating
the intelligence of the American people.”
—H.L. Mencken

If the Republicans Really Plan to Help You Get Rich....
.......Why Are They Always Taking You in the Wrong Direction?

It’s Time to Take Another Look at your 401(k) and your bank statement and your credit-card bill.

It’s Time to Take Another Look at your health insurance plan and its exclusions and “disallows,” and whether your lifetime maximum is keeping up with the ballooning cost of healthcare.

It’s Time to Take Another Look at the “For Sale” signs in your neighborhood, and the rising price of your mortgage, while the government is bailing out AIG and the rest of Wall Street.

How Do the Republicans Work Their Magic? Republican never talk about where the money will come from. And they never let a lack of money stop them from spending and spending. After all—it's not their money.

Republicans Make Fun of the Other Guys and joke about "spreading the wealth." They don't want Joe the Plumber's money taken to improve America. They want to "spread the wealth" on Wall Street.

The Facts Speak for Themselves, when you stop to look at it. Herbert Hoover's Great Depression and Richard Nixon's Watergate and Ronald Reagan's budget deficits and George W. Bush's [Insert Disaster Here]. Which shell is your money hiding under?

The Costs Go Up and Up, the Treasury Balance Goes Down and Down, the national debt doubles in the past few years—

The Spend-and-Spend Republicans Make Things Up—like voter fraud out of faulty registration forms that get denied—like "spread the wealth"—like "palling around with terrorists"—to distract you from their angry, losing candidate—

And You Believe that You Would Somehow Be Better Off Voting One More Time for the Republicans?

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