Sunday, October 5, 2008

Getting It Right on "Drill, Baby, Drill"

The Vice-Presidential Debate (Revisited)

Senator Joe Biden:
“Barack Obama Believes that by Investing in Clean Coal and Safe Nuclear, we can not only create jobs in wind and solar here in the United States, we can export it.

“China Is Polluting Not Only the Atmosphere, but also the West Coast of the United States. We should export the technology by investing in clean coal technology.

“We Should Be Creating Jobs. John McCain has voted 20 times against funding alternative energy sources and thinks, I guess, the only answer is “Drill, Drill, Drill....

Governor Sarah Palin:
“...The Chant Is 'Drill, Baby, Drill,' Joe.”

Channeling Barack Obama:

Vice-Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Stands Corrected.

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