Who Do You Think Pays for Government Here in the U.S.? If you’ve ever had any doubt about the taxpayer tab, the current rescue package provides the clear answer.
But No One Really Likes to Pay Taxes. Especially during hard times like these, when many Americans can hardly afford them. National costs are up, our personal expenses are up, our investments are down, and soon we'll likely be out of work. What the heck can we do?Luckily, the Republican Party Has an Answer Ready. And Republican presidential candidate John McCain says, “Hey! No problem!”
Here’s Something We Can All Try: On next-year’s income tax Form 1040, there will be a check box indicating that the taxpayer is a Republican. Every taxpayer who wants to can check the “Republican” box, and America really will be “the land of the free.”
How It Works:
□1: First, next to "Filing Status," check the box that says “Republican,” using a pen with black or blue ink. (No pencils, please!)
□2: Next, turn to the back of the form and fill in all of the spaces for tax credits.
□3: Then, sign and date the form and mail it to the United States Treasury.
□4: Once the U.S. Treasury receives all of the Republican 1040 forms paying no taxes and claiming all the tax credits, the Treasury will send the Forms 1040 out as bills.
Who Will We Send All These Form 1040 Bills to? Who will pay the bills? The answer is obvious, when you think about it. It’s the way that it has always been under Republican “spend and spend” government.□2: Next, turn to the back of the form and fill in all of the spaces for tax credits.
□3: Then, sign and date the form and mail it to the United States Treasury.
□4: Once the U.S. Treasury receives all of the Republican 1040 forms paying no taxes and claiming all the tax credits, the Treasury will send the Forms 1040 out as bills.
The Bills Will Be Addressed To:
Taxpayer Joe, the Plumber
“Not to Worry,” Says Senator McCain. “Your Tax-Credit & Refund Check from Taxpayer Joe, the Plumber, will arrive as soon as this pesky little economic thing is over.”

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