Despite Persistent Evidence to the Contrary throughout the entire history of humanity, Republicans and Libertarians assert the idea that greed somehow controls itself. That people operating always in their own self-interest will generally do the right thing when it comes to dealing with their own resources and with one another.
Separately, Conservative Writer George F. Will as recently as January 4, 2007, wrote that “Labor is a commodity; governments make messes when they decree commodities' prices.” In the sense that one person on an assembly line is about as effective as any other person on an assembly line, Mr. Will is absolutely correct.
But in the Sense That a Society Is about its People, Mr. Will’s assertion is abhorrent. And now we see the practical outcome of such flawed reasoning in the tremendous economic crisis of today. (One wonders what Mr. Will thinks that "government of the people, for the people" actually means?)
We Now Have a Final Assessment: These “self-regulating markets” do not function properly where the "commodity" of actual, real live human beings is concerned.
The Overriding Fact Is that it was the “free market” combination of lessened regulation and diminished oversight and the “deadly sin” of greed that brought us to the edge of this precipice. A deliberate conspiracy of deregulation and incompetence has brought us to the brink.
Now Barack Obama’s Opponent, a self-avowed “Maverick” of deregulation and a twenty-five-year veteran of the the “free-market” crowd, tries desperately to assert his capabilities to serve as President.
But Republican Senator McCain Is the Wrong Person, with the Wrong Philosophy, at the wrong time. It is too late for Senator McCain to fool America into thinking that he is something he is not.
Now Is the Time for a Government for All the People, not just for those who at the top of the heap, drawing seven-figure CEO salaries. The Democratic principles of oversight and fairness and economic equality—for those willing to work for it—now return. The Republican “Free-Market” ideas now follow Elvis out of the building....
Now Is the Time for the Calm, Firm Leadership of Barack Obama. A non-ideological approach that counts all of America, from the "commodity" of labor to the Republican "CEOs" of Wall Street, as one indivisible nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.
Later, with the Nation Once More Restored to a Solid Footing, the deregulation, small-government Republicans will return to power. They always do.
It Always Seems Like a Good Idea at the Time. The economy will bloat again with the ungoverned greed. Somehow it always does.
But Right Now, It Is Time for the Democrats Once Again to roll up their sleeves and get to work, rescuing the American people, while bailing out the Conservatives and the Republicans and the free-market CEOs of Wall Street, as well.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden Are Asking for Your Vote on November 4, 2008. These men represent the party for all the people of these United States, rather than just the silent CEOs of the Fortune 500® and Wall Street.
It Is Time for a Return to Reason and Good Sense. Regardless of how much, “It seemed like sort of a good idea at the time.”
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