Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Even Republicans Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty

One of the Republican Candidates Is Under Investigation, as you probably know. The accusation concerns an alleged misuse of executive power in relation to the former commissioner of the Department of Public Safety in Alaska.

The Investigation Was Initiated by a Republican-led Committee, but the opponents say that it is “tainted,” and they are suing to stop the investigation until after the November elections.

Democratic Candidates Barack Obama and Joe Biden Know: The challenges of campaigning for the most-important elected positions in the United States are extremely demanding. Any candidate embroiled in an ethics or criminal investigation would much rather wait until after the elections are over.

Delay the Investigation until after November 4th and let the voters make up their minds first. Here in the United States of America, each person is innocent until proven guilty. Thus, the very law presumes the innocence of the Republican opponents concerning any or all crimes.

No Law Dictates the Transparency of Our Elected Officials. Historically, Republicans have always proven themselves especially good at keeping back things that they don’t want the voters to know. The Bush administration is currently engaged in such a situation concerning congressional subpoenas over possible political abuses related to hiring in the Justice Department under former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Transparency Plays a Role in the American Historical Legacy. Two excellent examples compare the missing minutes of Republican President Richard Nixon’s White House tapes with the opposite insistence by Democratic President Lyndon Johnson that all of LBJ's administration’s records would be available to history. Warts and all.

Will the American Voters Condemn the Opponent for her lack of transparency? One would hope that they would give her the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty: it’s still the law here in the United States of America. Even under the Republicans.

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