Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Does President Bush Hate America?

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush
eviscerated the moral standing of the United States of America by attacking, with insufficient provocation, the sovereign nation of Iraq. This act of a bullying nation, the richest, most-powerful nation on Earth, destroyed a two-hundred-and-twenty-five-year history of America taking the high road.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush took us to war against Afghanistan and Iraq without paying for it, but instead emptied out the Treasury and now hands the bill to our children.

What Makes George W. Bush Hate America So Terribly Much?
What Has America Ever Done to Him?

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush, instead of leading us to support our troops—those sacrificing limb and life far across the world—told us to go out shopping.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush was AWOL on September 11, 2001, when the World Trade Centers fell, and on August 29, 2005 when Hurricane Katrina destroyed one of America’s greatest treasures, the city of New Orleans.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush appointed his unqualified friends to public positions requiring capabilities that his friends failed to meet.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush led the nation down the road to torture.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush created an eavesdropping machine to destroy the privacy of every American who uses the telephone or the Internet, even going so far as to listen in on the intimate conversations of our military personnel stationed so far from home and so deep in harm’s way.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush creatively navigated a path to deny Constitutional rights—such as habeas corpus and a right to privacy—that Americans believe are the inalienable, God-given rights of every human.

What Makes George W. Bush Hate America So Terribly Much?
What Have We Ever Done to Him?

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush sent out his Secretary of the Treasury to indenture the future treasury, under great duress, so that our children’s children will be repaying this debt for generations to come.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush, the most-cowardly president the United States can imagine, sent out every force and deviousness that he could imagine, exporting war and terrorism to innocent peoples around the world. To peoples already victimized by the failures of their local governments. That President Bush deliberately exported the “War on Terror” to foreign shores to keep himself and his family physically safe at home.

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush
put wealth and safety above the essential American values of “liberty and justice for all.”

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush
thus made a mockery of the words, “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

It’s Not Enough That George W. Bush
has pulled the rug out from under the Republican Party, so that the party of small, responsible government, of free-trade, of individual responsibility, now plays the role of the fool on the political scene.

All This Is Not Enough.

Now George W. Bush Wants to Clean Out the Corners of American Government, by further weakening our laws. By undermining America’s ability to protect what’s left of her environment and to begin the job of rebuilding.

As Avery Palmer of CQ Politics Puts It:
“The Bush administration is poised to finish a series of controversial, last-minute regulations before leaving office, and Congress will have to decide whether to exercise its rarely used authority to rescind the new rules.
“On his way out the door, Bush may complete a host of environmental, health and labor rules....which could have a lasting impact on endangered species protection, air pollution standards, workplace safety and family and medical leave, among other areas.”

George W. Bush Has Previously Said that he serves with the American people as his boss.

On November 4, 2008, the American People Gave George W. Bush His Walking Papers. The American people said, “George Bush, you're fired.”

Now George W. Bush Is Loading up a Political Moving Van with all the staplers and ink pens and paperclips that he can put his hands on. The water-cooler, the desk, the sofa, the credenza, and even his secretary’s furniture. The portraits of his forty-three presidential predecessors that previously hung on the wall. George W. Bush is rolling up the carpet and he’s ripping out the bushes in the Rose Garden.

George W. Bush Is Taking Everything That He Can Put His Hands on and stuffing it into the moving van as fast as he can, before the American people can stop him.

If George W. Bush Has His Way, when he is out of the White House, nothing of value or decency of America will be left.

All That We, the People of the United States of America, will be left with in the wake of George W. Bush is a question:

Why Does George W. Bush Hate America So Much?

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