Saturday, November 15, 2008

Which “Master” Do One-Issue Christians Truly Serve?

[This one is a stretch. It requires editing. If you can do better justice to the idea, please post it as a comment. Thanks.]

Conservative Christians Remain
solidly in the camp of Americans who vote Republican, according to The Wall Street Journal.* Issues such as gay rights and gun control seem to play some role in this voting choice. But the definitive issue is: abortion rights.

Apparently, Such Conscientious Christians Believe that war and torture and starvation and capital punishment and all other issues in the world pale in relevance, when compared to laws that allow people to choose abortions and thus to wrestle with God's judgment afterward.

This Is by Way of Saying that God can’t do a good-enough job on His own. The Lord can’t keep His children from committing this particular form of killing act. And so these so-called Christians feel compelled to help Him.

While the Lord Has Bestowed on Us “Free Will”—with which to make our sinful choices and pay a sinner’s price—Conservative Christians would interfere with that God-given freedom. They would take away this God-given right, in their service of some other purpose.

This Is How the One-Issue “Christians” might put it for themselves:
“Let the abortion-seeking heathens seek the greatest evil in their hearts. It is no matter. For we, the judges and guardians of God’s earthly kingdom, decree that such persons, determined to sin in this mortal matter, shall be obstructed thus from sin-dom.
“The rest of God’s earthly kingdom can suffer its various aspects of an ignominious existence, such as impoverishment and genocide. The Lord may work in mysterious ways, His wonders to behold. But we won't let Him in this instance.
“We, the Conservative Christians of the world, proudly vote, at each and every opportunity, to show the Lord who’s really the boss.”

If These So-Called Conservative Christians find this way to work around the commandments of the Lord, our God, then their work is “really in the service of some other master.

Now, There's One Aspect About The Other Master of these Conservative “Christians” that is not mentioned in the Bible:

No One Really Knows whether he, this “other master,” votes Democratic or Republican....

*Citation currently unavailable.

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