Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why It Makes ECONOMIC Sense....

.....to Pass the Healthcare Reform Bill Now

The Major Objections to the Bill are both economic and political:
(1) Economics: Cost, especially in relation to the National Debt
(2) Politics: Government's Role in Personal Matters

What Are the Deficit-Creating Costs of the Current Healthcare System?
We taxpayers pay for all of the healthcare now. We just do it in a way that we can’t afford.

The Money That the Nation Pays for Healthcare includes insurance payments, government payments, and individual payments. The source of every one of these payments is: the individual. Whether we pay for healthcare in insurance premiums—or in taxes—or in checks to the doctor—we pay for it all.

At the Moment, the Inefficiencies Are Bankrupting the System:

Inefficiencies in the System:
Out of all the dollars the American people pay, too-few go straight to healthcare.

Many Bills Are Paid by Government:
Many dollars pay for those who do not pay for themselves: seniors, the military, the poor. This money goes through government hands, which takes something like 3% in administrative costs.

Many Bills Are Paid by Insurance Companies:
Many dollars go to insurance companies, who pay healthcare, but also take something like 20% out in administrative costs—and in profits.

But All of the Bills Are Paid by All of Us:
The total, national healthcare bill—administrative costs, profits, and actual healthcare—is paid for by the total of us. It’s not really us or government. Because we, the people, are the government.

All of it Is “Our” Money

Every Penny Paid for Healthcare, by Americans, in America, is our money. Any idea that the flow of money between taxpayers and government changes the combined national “net worth” makes no sense. This issue is not an economic one. But it is a political issue.

Political Issues:
For some people, the politics of the situation argue against government involvement in healthcare delivery. Some also argue in terms of individual responsibility versus social responsibility. That's a discussion that we, as a people, need to have.

But Now Is Not the Time for That Discussion. Now, while America is in the greatest financial challenge of the last 80 years, is not the time. Too many Americans have lost their insurance—just because they’ve lost their jobs. And that’s not a lack of individual responsibility. And too many Americans can’t afford to pay for their own insurance—just because of skyrocketing premiums, insurmountable deductibles, low lifetime maximums, preexisting conditions, etc.

The Economics of Reform Are Comparatively Sound:
The economics of the situation—that we all are paying all of the bills—gives all of us the incentive to get those costs under control—as quickly as possible—so that more of our national wealth can go into the capitalist engine of wealth-creation—and balancing the budget.

Health-insurance Reform Makes Economic Sense:
We, the American people, cannot afford to keep wasting our healthcare dollars by diverting so much through insurance companies. The evidence that is does not work for America now is clear. The economic argument is sound.

America Cannot Afford to Wait:
We Must Pass Healthcare Reform for America

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